Everyday Oils part 2: Frankincense

Outside the Cave

We all know the story of the 3 wise men bringing the Christ Child gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  The second two were not white elephant gifts.  Myrrh is one of my favorite oils, but we will have to talk about it another day, as it is not included in Young Living’s Everyday Oils collection.   I’m also a fan of gold.  But today, let’s talk about frankincense.  Please remember that my recommendations only apply to Young Living oils.  Frankincense is basically liquid gold for your health.  It is so versatile, that it is the first oil I purchased as I became interested in essential oils.  I bought a cheap brand on Amazon.  Yuck!  Thankfully I did not ingest it.  I’m not suggesting you buy synthetic, perfume grade scent.  I’m talking about the real stuff, 100% pure, therapeutic grade, not diluted…  ok, just making sure we’re all on the same page.


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