Game On, Allergies!

I stopped my allergies in their tracks with lavender essential oil. It was wonderful. But the incident made me realize that I’ve let things get out of control. It is time to wage war on these allergies and take back my health. In the blog,, I chronicled a Whole30 strict paleo body cleanse, which I did in February, 2013 on a whim. My goal was to lose 10 pounds. In 30 days, I lost 15 (notably stubborn belly fat), and my allergies completely went away. You can read more about it over there. You will even find recipes and a complete 30 day menu.

What happened? The way I see it, the two most gifted professions are teaching and clergy. Check and check. By gifted I mean cookies, chocolate, luncheons … As Episcopalians, we believe in the 12 days of Christmas. That means Christmas and the 11 days AFTER. Advent, on the other hand, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, should be about prayer and reflection, not feasting. Determined to get back on tract after Thanksgiving, I showed up at work with my apple and Larabar. I walked through the break room and found hot tamales and turtle bark. Do you see what I’m dealing with here? I gave up. The feasting continued. As a result of these eating habits, my allergies came back. First I started reacting to cats. Then mountain cedar did me in.

Everyone is all gym-membership-diet-crazy now, so it will be easier to get back on track with food. I’ve also been experimenting with several Young Living products because it would really be nice to be able to eat bread again. I’m waging war on allergies from every angle.

Treating the symptoms as needed is one such angle. Lavender is a great source of relief. Eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, and wintergreen work well too. Young Living sells a blend called R.C. that I like to rub under my nose when the allergies flare up. It helps a lot. R.C. contains eucalyptus, pine, marjoram, lavender, and peppermint. rc

As I discovered through the paleo diet, the first step in curing autoimmune diseases is to heal the gut. I am working on his with a couple of products. Sulfurzyme is a powerhouse enzyme supplement containing wolfberries and MSM. “Wolfberries contain minerals and coenzymes that support the assimilation and metabolism of sulfur.” (Young Living) sulfurzyme The Young Living catalog explains that Sulfurzyme maintains the structure of proteins; supports cell functioning; supports the liver, immune system, circulatory system, and digestive system; supports intestinal functioning; and scavenges free radicals.

Another great product for intestinal health is DiGize essential oil blend. It is a blend of tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise, and patchouli. These oils aid digestion, which surprisingly helps with allergies. According to the Essential Oil Desk Reference, 5th Edition, “A thorough intestinal cleansing is one of the best ways to combat most allergies. Start with ICP; ComforTone, Essentialzyme, and JuvaTone.” I plan to try these Young Living supplements as well.

The final avenue I am pursuing in this war is the emotional connection. It is a widely held belief that allergies are rooted in fear and anxiety. I personally saw this happen when I was in college. I found myself under a lot of stress and anxiety during those years. I also developed IBS and a serious cat allergy while in college. Essential oils are an excellent choice for all kinds of emotional clearance. Aromatherapy stimulates the limbic region of the brain, which is the seat of our emotions. There are dozens of choices, both single and oil blends. Where to begin? How about some of the blends specifically formulated and named to take out the guesswork. We have Peace and Calming, Forgiveness, Present Time… Or you can take advantage of my special January giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a Balance Collection containing citrus fresh, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Lavender (I see a dual purpose with this one! Check out all the details here. And don’t forget the promotion this month: free Idaho Balsam Fir (insanely high frequency oil for pain and balance), and lavender. That one keeps popping up. Ordering the Premium Starter Kit (100PV) enters you to win the Balance Collection. Add 90PV to your order, and you will automatically receive the promotional oils. Place your orders here:

As one warrior to another, Let’s roll!