Thieves: our gift from grave robbers

Outside the Cave

During the Black Plague, a group of herbalists knew the secret to staying well.  They used this to their advantage and did what modern day disaster survivors have been known to do: looting.  Since supermarkets were not yet a thing, and perhaps because they thought they would get away with it, they robbed graves.  The good news for them was that they indeed knew the secret to staying well.  The bad news was they got caught.  In exchange for a more merciful execution, they gave up their secret. Public records refer to this blend as “Merseilles Vinegar”. (Essential Oil Desk Reference, 5th edition)

Young Living’s Thieves essential oil blend is based on that secret formula.  It contains clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.  It smells great and has been university tested (1997 Weber State University, Ogden UT) and proven to be an excellent cleanser for body and the home.  I’m…

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Ninxia Wolfberries

Outside the Cave

One of the concerns I have heard about the paleo diet is that it must be fiber deficient.   Doesn’t fiber come from grains? If you’re talking about the gut irritating kind, then yes. Hello fruits and veggies! The paleo diet is not fiber deficient.

Young Living has encorporated one such fiber-packed whole food, the Ningxia wolfberry into many of its nutritional supplements. Its most popular wolfberry product is NingXia Red, a power-packed essential oil infused juice. It is available in large bottles and convenient single serving pouches. Throw them in lunch boxes and take them on the go!

The wolfberry is found in a small region of China. Medicinal use dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1468-1664), where its uses are documented in Ben Zao Gen Mo, a physician’s handbook. In China today wolfberries are prescribed for liver and kidney deficiencies, diabetes, and vision problems.

So what’s the big…

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