Exciting Changes

Nitro kit

Check out the new starter kit! You now have another option when enrolling as a Young Living Wholesale Member. The new kit has all the same oils as the Premium Starter Kit. The difference is that this kit has two boxes of Ningxia Nitro instead of the Home Diffuser. Ningxia Nitro is your ultimate healthy energy boost. Think Ningxia Red juice on steroids. I love the taste of Ningxia Red, but this stuff tastes even better. It is conveniently packaged for on the go lifestyles. Use it to combat brain fog during a long day, while studying, or driving, and to get some energy without any harmful side effects.

Find out what this Ningxia thing is all about here: http://30daysinthecave.wordpress.com/2013/08/24/ninxia-wolfberries/

Stay oily, my friends.