Summer Must-Have Oils

I am SO ready for summer!  The sun is out, the mosquitoes are biting, it’s a beautiful thing. 

It is easy to reach for the chemicals for that sun kissed, bug free lifestyle, but there is a much better way.

Young Living has you covered. Here are my summer must have oils.


Lemon is a natural cleanser.  Start your day with a drop in your water or tea to protect your body against toxic food and environmental pollution. It boosts mood and helps with concentration. Perfect for a road trip.  And forget about hair lightening products. Use nourishing lemon instead for the beach blonde look.


Peppermint is also great for road trips.  It feels wonderful on the temples for fatigue.  It will combat headaches and nausea.  Got bugs?  They don’t stand a chance against peppermint.


Purification is your bug spray.  Make your own by adding several drops to a pinch of Epson salt and combining with distilled water in a small glass squirt bottle. It keeps the mosquitoes off me.  You can also diffuse it to keep bugs away.


Lavender is my burn and scrape oil.  Sunburn soothing  and wound healing are just a couple of its many uses.  Also great for insomnia, anxiety and allergies.


Thieves is always a must because the last thing you want is a summer cold. Sore throats and other viruses are quickly wiped out with Thieves at our house.

So far, all the oils mentioned are included in the Premium Starter Kit, which also comes with a diffuser and wholesale membership (  There are a couple of other very valuable summer oils I use for sunscreen.  They are myrrh and carrot seed.