The Peppermint Party Kickoff Giveaway

Let’s get this party started with a giveaway! One lucky winner will be randomly chosen at the end of the month to win this Balance Collection. Idaho Blue Spruce, Citrus Fresh, and Lavender will get the new year off to a great start. 2014-01-01 16.03.03

Idaho Blue Spruce is known to unlock emotional blocks. A friend recently shared with me that Idaho Blue Spruce calmed her down in about 2 minutes from a full blown panic attack. Citrus Fresh is a combination of several citrus oils, which are both calming and invigorating. Citrus oils have been used for detoxification, weight loss, and depression. Lavender has wonderfully calming properties. It is excellent for skin, and has even been effective for insomnia. As a natural antihistamine, lavender is an excellent choice for allergies.

Official rules: to enter the drawing, simply order a Premium Starter Kit from my website: At the end of January, 2014, one lucky winner will also receive this beautiful oil collection, a $53 retail value.