
It has been a very good week in the oils department. I’ve seen them in action, and I’ve got to share.

Early in the week, my little boy wiped out on his bike and got some boo boos.  I’ve shared about lavender helping with allergies, but another great use is for wound care.  All week, I had a few drops of lavender on his band aids.  Today I told him, “you’re good!”  All better.

At the beginning of choir practice Wednesday night, we did some stretching and my favorite- the group back rub.  I’ve always handled stress by tightening my muscles.  My shoulders, in particular, are always tight.  You can always count me in on a good, hard shoulder rub.  My choir partner’s comment was, “You’re tight, girl!”  So I decided to take action this weekend.  Both Saturday and Sunday I took baths with about 1/4 cup of Epson salt and a few drops of Valor.  Valor is an essential oil blend, which among other things relaxes muscles.  My shoulders are nice and squishy now.  I was quite impressed with the improvement.

The last victory happened this morning. A wave of nausea and cramping hit me with a vengeance. I climbed right back in bed and put a few oils to the test for assistance. I started with the blend, Digize, rubbed on my belly, for the nausea. I was ready to toss my cookies, but within 5 minutes the nausea was gone. I assumed hormones were involved, so I used a couple of drops of Progessence Plus. For the pain, I started with copaiba, also applied on location. After about 15 minutes I felt almost 100%. I decided to also apply Idaho Balsam Fir, another great choice for pain, before getting on with my day.

It was amazing how quickly these products worked. What a blessing to have such a safe and effective alternative!