Understanding the Young Living Compensation Plan

Outside the Cave

The Young Living Compensation Plan…EXPLAINED!

Let’s say you are like me. You decided to purchase Young Living Essential Oils, received your Everyday Oils Collection and product catalog, and then a light bulb went off in your head. You thought, “Wow. These are really great. Maybe I should sell them so I can get them for free.” Then you thought, “Hmm…I wonder if I could even make some decent money AND get them for free!” So you took a look at this wonderful graphic highlighting the multifaceted, genius, and generous Young Living Compensation Plan. You understood it perfectly, right? Well, if you are anything like me, WRONG. Once you understand the basic components, the graphic is great. But without explanation, not so much.

In my quest to understand, I asked my upline and my upline’s upline’s upline a lot of questions. I emailed customer service. Then I did something radical…

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