The Essential Oils Lifestyle

I’m hanging out on the Oregon coast with my family on a much needed vacation.  I didn’t bring all my oils with me, but I brought my Everyday Oils and Stress Away, NingXia Red, and the other 9 oils I recently mentioned to round out my top 20.

They have been a lifesaver.  Ningxia Red and Digize have completely eliminated the intestinal problems that used to inevitably accompany road trips.  Peace and Calming helped us keep our sanity in the car. 
I could go on, but my main observation here is how much I have embraced the Essential Oils lifestyle and how superior it is.  I’m downright spoiled, actually, but if spoiled = healthy, then bring it on.

I have pretty successfully detoxified my home. After using some antibacterial hand soap on our trip, I got a rash.  I should have brought some natural, YL soap.  Thankfully I did bring myrrh, lavender, and copaiba for the irritation and inflammation. I guess I’ll just wash my hands with my YL shampoo from now on.  Thieves waterless hand purifyer has also been a lifesaver, especially at those sketchy gas stations.

Embracing the YL lifestyle means eliminating synthetic products from your home, medicine cabinet, and pantry when at all possible. I’m not used to the synthetics anymore, so I am functioning in a healthier, natural state.  I’ve been extremely healthy, happy, and have my allergies under control.  So, yes, it is a good thing.  Many synthetic products can cause cancer. I don’t want to be desensitized for that!

It is not expensive to embrace this lifestyle.  Here is a simple 4 step plan:

1.  Go to and order the Premium Starer Kit.

2. Make a list of household products you should replace with YL- vitamins, shampoo, and Thieves dental care and cleaning products, for example. Join Essential Rewards and begin replacing these products by spending at least $50 per month on your health.

3. Take advantage of the promotions. If you order at least 190PV in a single transaction, you will automatically receive at least 2 oils for free. If you combine ER with the promotions, you will quickly be able to stock up on YL products. Since I’ve been on ER over a year, I get 20% back in free products with my monthly order. I usually place a 300PV ER order in order to qualify for all the promotions. In May, after placing that order, I got Aroma Seiz, oregano, Life 5, and Lavaderm for free. Don’t forget, as a wholesale member I always save 24%. As part of the promotion, I also got an extra 25 ER points. Adding those to my 60 ER points (20% of my ER order), I now have 85 PV in free products to cash in whenever I want. That’s a lot for my money. And don’t forget how much you are saving on doctor visits and medication.

4. Tell a friend. I get a check in the mail every month to pay for my products because I tell my friends about them. You don’t have to be a weird sales person. Just share because you care.

It is as simple as that. Are you ready?

Top 20 Oils

Decisions, decisions. Let’s say you are a new Young Living wholesale member. You purchased the Premium Starter Kit, so you now have 11 amazing oils. You have the Everyday Oils Collection, which contains lemon, peppermint, frankincense, lavender, Joy, Valor, Peace and Calming, PanAway, Purification, and Thieves. You also have the aptly named Stress Away, which comes with all the wholesale membership kits. You are set for a while. But what to do next?

If you are anything like me, you did not purchase Young Living oils on a whim. You purchased them because you know they are the highest quality essential oils in the world. You are also ready to change your lifestyle by eliminating OTC meds, prescriptions wherever possible, and toxic household cleaners.

So this is tough, but I am attempting to give you just 9 more must have oils to add to your arsenal. You already have the top 11. Scroll down to find out about the 11 from previous posts. Here I will focus on the 9 more you do not want to be without. This is hard to do. As I write, I don’t even know for sure which 9 I will pick. To make it easier, I will focus on oils. There are many other products such as Aromabright toothpaste and Life 5 probiotic, which I would not want to be without, but I am only going to pick 9 oils today. Wish me luck.

Awaken is pretty much the equivalent of the entire Feelings Kit in one bottle. I am trying to suggest different oils than the Everyday Oils, so you could argue that there are enough emotionally supportive oils in the kit. But there is just something special about Awaken. It is a blend containing the blends: Joy, Present Time, Harmony, Forgiveness, and Dream Catcher. I’m not making this up. And as you can imagine, that is a lot of oils all expertly formulated to help you recognize your potential and make positive changes in your life. I am not a huge fan of the heavy floral scent that you would get with straight geranium, for example (no offence to this highly beneficial oil). The nice thing about Awaken is that the blend makes for a nice, non-offensive smell.

Copaiba is a natural steroid. Forget Tylenol. And Advil. This is what I use for pain. Headaches, sore muscles, swelling, you name it.

Idaho Balsam Fir is a calming oil, perfect for physical pain and emotional support. For severe pain, I use this internally with copaiba and frankincense. It is a very high frequency oil. If you are feeling out of sorts, this will get you back on track.

Cedarwood is popular with my teens. It helps with sleep, acne, and ADHD. It is also a powerful choice for depression- in particular, releasing negative emotions. I realize this is a running theme, but I cannot emphasize enough the importance of emotional health for overall physical well-being.

Idaho Blue Spruce There are many oils for hormone balancing and emotional support, but perhaps none as versatile as this one. IBS helps balance hormones for men and women. It also helps release negative emotions.

DiGize is the bomb for gut health. Peppermint is fantastic for many things, including nausea, but DiGize goes farther to promote healthy digestion and alleviate intestinal discomfort. It contains tarragon, juniper, anise, ginger, fennel, patchouli, peppermint, and lemongrass.

Lemongrass deserves to be taken straight in capsule form as it has been proven to lower cholesterol. I also use it to combat candida and soothe muscles.

Myrrh is a favorite, especially in the summer. It works as sunscreen! It is nourishing to skin and has strong emotionally supportive properties.

Abundance is a fantastic smelling blend which includes orange, clove, cinnamon, frankincense, ginger, spruce, patchouli, and myrrh. Use it to attract prosperity and magnify feelings of peace and joy.

Endoflex is a blend of oils which support the endocrine system. after using it, my doctor wanted to lower my thyroid medicine. It is so important for our health to have a strong endocrine system!

Here is your starting point. There are so many more I love, but I am sticking with these as my top 20. They all have very unique properties which will hopefully change your life and rock your world. I know they have for me.

Unpacking the Premium Starter Kit

Premium Starter Kit

If you have been following me at all or happen to know me in person, you know I am really into these oils and that there’s something called a Premium Starter Kit I think everyone should have the privilege of owning. Today I would like to give a quick overview all in one place of what comes in this kit and how I have personally benefitted from it.

The Premium Starter Kit automatically comes with a wholesale membership. There are no further obligations as a wholesale member. You will simply be able to start purchasing the best essential oils in the world at 24% off retail price. When purchasing the starter kit, you will be asked for your social security number because you will be eligible to participate in the compensation plan.

The Premium Starter Kit includes the Home Diffuser, 10 individual samples (2 lemon, 2 Thieves, 2 Peppermint, 2 Lavender, and 2 Peace and Calming), 2 NingXia Red individual serving pouches, Stress Away Essential Oil blend, a roller fitment, a complete catalog, product usage information, and the Everyday Oils Collection.

Essential oils can be used topically, internally (when labeled “supplement”), and aromatically. For inhalation, nothing beats a good diffuser. We keep one going almost constantly at home. I’ve also been known to diffuse in my classroom. The Home Diffuser is a huge perk. The retail price for this item alone is $98.68.

I love the samples. They are so great to keep on hand for those times my friends start to sneeze, complain of a headache, experience anxiety, have a cold coming on, or have a hoarse voice. I’ll just pass them out to help people, which I love to do. You may not be interested in starting a business, but when those friends decide to order more, you may just get a thank you check in the mail from Young Living. Sounds like a win win to me.

NingXia Red is amazing. Enjoy those samples yourself. Find out how yummy it is and skip that cup of coffee. When I drink NR (as in as often as I can get my hands on it), I notice an improvement in my hair and nails, increased energy, elevated mood, and better digestion. It contains wolfberry puree from China’s Ningxia province, essential oils, and vitamin-rich whole fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, and pomegranates.

Stress Away is heavenly. It is a great oil to keep on hand with the roller fitment. Just roll it on as needed. It lives up to its name, I can tell you. Cedarwood is an amazing grounding oil, which helps with focus and combats negativity. And I mean, who wouldn’t get a boost from smelling like lime and vanilla? It also contains copaiba, ocotea, and lavender.

The Everyday Oils Collection contains 10 (5 ml) bottles of essential oils. Here is how they have benefitted my family and me.
Joy contains bergamot, lemon, palmarosa, ylang ylang, mandarin, rose, geranium, jasmine, Roman chamomile, and coriander. It puts a spring in my step. I apply topically right over my heart. Thanks to rose in particular, this oil has a very high frequency. This is no doubt part of my secret for staying happy and healthy even when surrounded by illness and stress.
Valor is my confidence blend. It’s a toss up between Valor and Stress Away, but I love how it smells. These oils are not to be confused with perfume, but I’ll tell you it is nice to smell good while enjoying all the benefits. I also use Valor to relax sore muscles. I like to roll it on or add it to Epsom salt for a relaxing bath. I put it on my jaw before bed to eliminate teeth grinding. I put it on my spine to help with alignment. Valor helps with physical and emotional balancing. I also apply to my wrists and hold them together to gain balance. Valor is a blend of spruce, frankincense, and blue tansy.
Thieves is a university tested blend that will combat and kill bacteria, mold and viruses. It is great to diffuse during cold season. I put it on my son’s feet when he starts getting sick. It stops nighttime coughing immediately. I take internally when sick or exposed to illness. I like to put a drop on my tongue or drink in a tea. Thieves contains clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, and eucalyptus. I have whitened my teeth with Thieves, used it for healthier gums (just ask my dentist), and used it as a powerful household cleaner.
PanAway reminds me of Icy Hot except it’s all natural and beneficial. You get the tingly feeling, but it is not just a temporary relief. It will actually help the body heal. I use it for pain, bruising, and irritation. It is very powerful against muscle tension and headaches. This blend contains wintergreen, clove, helichrysum, and peppermint.
Purification is my go to for skin issues. Acne, bug bites, and cuts and scrapes are all covered with Purification. Even my teens use it for acne, and let me tell you, they don’t blindly take my advice. I used it on my dog to keep ticks away in rural Tennessee. I spray it on to keep mosquitos away. It is also a great deodorizer. Diffuse it to freshen the air. It smells like ginger to me but contains lemongrass, rosemary, melaleuca (tea tree), myrtle, and citronella.
Peace and Calming lives up to its name and smells delicious. It contains tangerine, ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange, and patchouli. We use it for anxiety and focus. ADHD anyone? I diffuse it when people are stressed. It is also helpful for insomnia. Apply on wrists, at brain stem, on chakra points (forehead is a good one), or on the bottom of the feet. The feet are an excellent entry point into all your cells by way of nerve endings.
Lavender is great for allergies, sleep, anxiety, and laundry care. I also use it for first aid. It goes on the Bandaid and heals skin very quickly.
Peppermint is a wonderful pick-me-up. It keeps me alert while driving. I keep some in my purse to freshen breath or rub on my temples when fatigue or head tension kicks in. It’s just awesome, what can I say? Also, great for nausea. Make a tea or rub on your belly for a quick turn around.
Lemon is another workhorse. It’s my favorite water flavor. Instead of filling up on unhealthy drinks, I drink lemon water and enjoy the uplifting and detoxing benefits of citrus oils. It smells fantastic in the diffuser and also helps with fatigue and focus. Lemon will clean anything too, at least anything I’ve tried. Imagine how that works in your body! For a hoarse throat, make a tea or rub some right on your neck.
Frankincense is another reason the Premium Starter Kit is such a fantastic value. I use it for pain and to kick illnesses quickly. Most notably, I used Frankincense along with the natural progesterone serum, Progessence Plus to completely eliminate my fibroid problem.

Do you have a kit yet? If so, please share your stories with us. If not, you can order it right here:



It has been a very good week in the oils department. I’ve seen them in action, and I’ve got to share.

Early in the week, my little boy wiped out on his bike and got some boo boos.  I’ve shared about lavender helping with allergies, but another great use is for wound care.  All week, I had a few drops of lavender on his band aids.  Today I told him, “you’re good!”  All better.

At the beginning of choir practice Wednesday night, we did some stretching and my favorite- the group back rub.  I’ve always handled stress by tightening my muscles.  My shoulders, in particular, are always tight.  You can always count me in on a good, hard shoulder rub.  My choir partner’s comment was, “You’re tight, girl!”  So I decided to take action this weekend.  Both Saturday and Sunday I took baths with about 1/4 cup of Epson salt and a few drops of Valor.  Valor is an essential oil blend, which among other things relaxes muscles.  My shoulders are nice and squishy now.  I was quite impressed with the improvement.

The last victory happened this morning. A wave of nausea and cramping hit me with a vengeance. I climbed right back in bed and put a few oils to the test for assistance. I started with the blend, Digize, rubbed on my belly, for the nausea. I was ready to toss my cookies, but within 5 minutes the nausea was gone. I assumed hormones were involved, so I used a couple of drops of Progessence Plus. For the pain, I started with copaiba, also applied on location. After about 15 minutes I felt almost 100%. I decided to also apply Idaho Balsam Fir, another great choice for pain, before getting on with my day.

It was amazing how quickly these products worked. What a blessing to have such a safe and effective alternative!

Game On, Allergies!

I stopped my allergies in their tracks with lavender essential oil. It was wonderful. But the incident made me realize that I’ve let things get out of control. It is time to wage war on these allergies and take back my health. In the blog,, I chronicled a Whole30 strict paleo body cleanse, which I did in February, 2013 on a whim. My goal was to lose 10 pounds. In 30 days, I lost 15 (notably stubborn belly fat), and my allergies completely went away. You can read more about it over there. You will even find recipes and a complete 30 day menu.

What happened? The way I see it, the two most gifted professions are teaching and clergy. Check and check. By gifted I mean cookies, chocolate, luncheons … As Episcopalians, we believe in the 12 days of Christmas. That means Christmas and the 11 days AFTER. Advent, on the other hand, the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, should be about prayer and reflection, not feasting. Determined to get back on tract after Thanksgiving, I showed up at work with my apple and Larabar. I walked through the break room and found hot tamales and turtle bark. Do you see what I’m dealing with here? I gave up. The feasting continued. As a result of these eating habits, my allergies came back. First I started reacting to cats. Then mountain cedar did me in.

Everyone is all gym-membership-diet-crazy now, so it will be easier to get back on track with food. I’ve also been experimenting with several Young Living products because it would really be nice to be able to eat bread again. I’m waging war on allergies from every angle.

Treating the symptoms as needed is one such angle. Lavender is a great source of relief. Eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, and wintergreen work well too. Young Living sells a blend called R.C. that I like to rub under my nose when the allergies flare up. It helps a lot. R.C. contains eucalyptus, pine, marjoram, lavender, and peppermint. rc

As I discovered through the paleo diet, the first step in curing autoimmune diseases is to heal the gut. I am working on his with a couple of products. Sulfurzyme is a powerhouse enzyme supplement containing wolfberries and MSM. “Wolfberries contain minerals and coenzymes that support the assimilation and metabolism of sulfur.” (Young Living) sulfurzyme The Young Living catalog explains that Sulfurzyme maintains the structure of proteins; supports cell functioning; supports the liver, immune system, circulatory system, and digestive system; supports intestinal functioning; and scavenges free radicals.

Another great product for intestinal health is DiGize essential oil blend. It is a blend of tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise, and patchouli. These oils aid digestion, which surprisingly helps with allergies. According to the Essential Oil Desk Reference, 5th Edition, “A thorough intestinal cleansing is one of the best ways to combat most allergies. Start with ICP; ComforTone, Essentialzyme, and JuvaTone.” I plan to try these Young Living supplements as well.

The final avenue I am pursuing in this war is the emotional connection. It is a widely held belief that allergies are rooted in fear and anxiety. I personally saw this happen when I was in college. I found myself under a lot of stress and anxiety during those years. I also developed IBS and a serious cat allergy while in college. Essential oils are an excellent choice for all kinds of emotional clearance. Aromatherapy stimulates the limbic region of the brain, which is the seat of our emotions. There are dozens of choices, both single and oil blends. Where to begin? How about some of the blends specifically formulated and named to take out the guesswork. We have Peace and Calming, Forgiveness, Present Time… Or you can take advantage of my special January giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a Balance Collection containing citrus fresh, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Lavender (I see a dual purpose with this one! Check out all the details here. And don’t forget the promotion this month: free Idaho Balsam Fir (insanely high frequency oil for pain and balance), and lavender. That one keeps popping up. Ordering the Premium Starter Kit (100PV) enters you to win the Balance Collection. Add 90PV to your order, and you will automatically receive the promotional oils. Place your orders here:

As one warrior to another, Let’s roll!

Lavender is Legit

Lavender is a natural antihistamine. I’ve heard it works for allergies. Today I really put it to the test. Despite my gut healing, grain shunning efforts, the cat allergy remains. Still working on it. So severe is this allergy, that I’m basically allergic to people who have cats. I think I hurt someone’s feelings in choir over this issue. I can’t help it! Geesh.

I’ve noticed that my allergies have been flaring up while I teach piano lessons. Just on Tuesdays between 4 and 5:30, mind you. Lo and behold, both of these families I teach at this time have cats.

Today was my lucky day because my Young Living Essential Rewards order arrived. This happens every month because ER rocks, and getting free products and reduced shipping on said products is a no brainer. This month, on top of the normal ER benefits just mentioned, I earned two free oils. Young Living offers free oils every month, whether you sign up for ER or not. They’re generous like that. One of the free oils this month is (wait for it) LAVENDER!

So I excused myself mid piano lesson (read: nose running fest) to dive into that good stuff. Guess what? It worked. I put a drop on the back of my hand and licked it. I also rubbed it around my sinuses.

Now before you get on Amazon and look for the cheapest deal on lavender, let me point out that most “lavender” is synthetic. You can tell because the label says “do not ingest.” Young Living lavender, on the other hand, is specifically labeled, “dietary supplement.” It can and is encouraged to be taken internally. Hence the hand licking thing. I was in a hurry. My runny nose immediately stopped up. I got through the rest of my lessons without embarrassment. jan. promo

Ask me how to get your free lavender this month. Balsam Fir is also major wow. I use it for pain. There’s a legendary recipe called the “morphine bomb”, and Idaho Balsam Fir is a key player. But more on that later. Ready to come to The Peppermint Party?

The Peppermint Party Kickoff Giveaway

Let’s get this party started with a giveaway! One lucky winner will be randomly chosen at the end of the month to win this Balance Collection. Idaho Blue Spruce, Citrus Fresh, and Lavender will get the new year off to a great start. 2014-01-01 16.03.03

Idaho Blue Spruce is known to unlock emotional blocks. A friend recently shared with me that Idaho Blue Spruce calmed her down in about 2 minutes from a full blown panic attack. Citrus Fresh is a combination of several citrus oils, which are both calming and invigorating. Citrus oils have been used for detoxification, weight loss, and depression. Lavender has wonderfully calming properties. It is excellent for skin, and has even been effective for insomnia. As a natural antihistamine, lavender is an excellent choice for allergies.

Official rules: to enter the drawing, simply order a Premium Starter Kit from my website: At the end of January, 2014, one lucky winner will also receive this beautiful oil collection, a $53 retail value.

Peppermint: part 6 of 9

Outside the Cave

I love peppermint!  Peppermint is invigorating.  It is a hot oil but acts in a soothing way.  My favorite thing to do with peppermint is to rub it on my temples to alleviate head tension. 

I admit, when I became an essential oil fanatic, my teenaged daughters were skeptical.  One time someone was stressed about homework, and someone was complaining about a headache, so I took matters into my own hands. Remember that scene in Nacho Libre where Jack Black does the surprise baptism?  Well, it was like that except not a sacrament.  I just nonchalantly rubbed some peppermint on their temples.  In the words of my 14-year-old, “It was like POW!”  It was a bit of a religious experience because I made believers out of them.

Peppermint is my “go to” for tension headaches.  I love to rub it behind my neck and accros my forehead.  On a long…

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Lavender: part 5 of 9

Outside the Cave

If Frankincense is the jewel and PanAway is the anchor, then lavender is the workhorse of Young Living’s Everyday Oils collection.  Lavender is and always has been in high demand.  In order to keep up, synthetic lavender has sneaked into many brands.  And now, surprise, surprise, “lavender” has gotten some bad press for interfering with hormone balancing.  Rest assured, Young Living lavender is NOT synthetic.  It is completely safe and insanely beneficial for your health.  It is farmed in France, Idaho, and Utah, carefully distilled, and put through Young Living’s “Seed to Seal” purity testing process.  As with the majority of our oils, it has been certified as a dietary supplement.  You can ingest it.  If you check the labels on other brands of essential oils, you will inevitably see a warning, “not for internal consumption.”  The Young Living oils, however, say, “dietary supplement.”  It is an important difference that addresses quality. …

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Everyday Oils part 2: Frankincense

Outside the Cave

We all know the story of the 3 wise men bringing the Christ Child gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  The second two were not white elephant gifts.  Myrrh is one of my favorite oils, but we will have to talk about it another day, as it is not included in Young Living’s Everyday Oils collection.   I’m also a fan of gold.  But today, let’s talk about frankincense.  Please remember that my recommendations only apply to Young Living oils.  Frankincense is basically liquid gold for your health.  It is so versatile, that it is the first oil I purchased as I became interested in essential oils.  I bought a cheap brand on Amazon.  Yuck!  Thankfully I did not ingest it.  I’m not suggesting you buy synthetic, perfume grade scent.  I’m talking about the real stuff, 100% pure, therapeutic grade, not diluted…  ok, just making sure we’re all on the same page.


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