Answers from Acupuncture

Outside the Cave

Today is a good day. I had my first acupuncture appointment ever. I went because I found out our insurance covers it, so why not? I’m a fan of bodywork. My insurance doesn’t cover massage or chiropractic, so acupuncture it is. I don’t know anything about Chinese medicine and very little about yin and yang, etc. It was nice to bounce some of my crazy ideas off a professional. It was even better to find out I am completely on the right track.

It started with a questionnaire. This one was different. The whole approach was looking for patterns and connections, not behaviors and symptoms so much. At the end, I was invited to list my 5 main complaints. These would be the focus for the treatment. My new friend, Jennifer, acupuncturist, took my blood pressure, examined my tongue, and then sat me down to chat about the questionnaire. I…

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The Home Party: let’s talk details.

I’ve talked about this before. I hit Star in one month by asking friends to host spa parties. I was alone, away from my YL uplines, new to network marketing or sales of any kind. I was making it up as I went. I lost a lot of people because I thought paper sign up sheets were silly, and that people would just go home and sign up online.

So today, I will follow up on what really works and what you need for a successful home party.

1. The Home Experience Kit
You can also piece it together, but this gave me party ideas, invitations, thank yous, brochures, and the all-important enrollment forms. Budget buster: just buy the forms.
2. The Everyday Oils Collection
This will be your curriculum for the class. Share how you have successfully used each one. Pass around; let people try them.
3. A Diffuser
Have a great smelling oil diffusing throughout the party. People recommend Abundance, as it tends to bring more business.
4. Information
Bring whatever product info you have, and display it on a table for people to peruse.
5. Essential Oils Desk Reference
Remember, you cannot recommend specific oils for medical conditions. Just have them look it up in the reference book. (
6. An Activity
Let them soak feet, scrub hands, or make something to take home. Ideas abound online.
7. A Gift
Make sure to give your host a gift. If they decide to purchase a Premium Starter Kit, you could also place other party goers under their sponsorship. You would still be the enroller and earn Fast Start bonuses.
8. Merchandise
Don’t worry about a big inventory. You want to encourage people to purchase the PSK anyway. You could bring some popular oils or inexpensive extras like lip balm, hand Sanitizer, or NinXia Red pouches.
9. Food
Make sure there are healthy snacks and drinks available.
10. Sign up
Book your next party from this group, so you can continue to make new contacts.
11. Product Catalogs
Bring one for each person to keep. Go through the first few pages with your presentation. They needs to see the farms and the seed to seal process. Show them the starter kits. Tell them that if they enroll 3 people, they will get a check to cover their kit. Show them Essential Rewards and encourage them to sign up for that as well. Attach a business card and enrollment form to each catalog. Encourage people to fill it out while you are passing around the oils. Tell them one lucky winner will get to take their oils home today. Have one or two PSKs on hand to give to people at the party who sign up. The host gets first dibs. You could draw for the other. The way it works is: whoever takes the kit home will be signed up with your address. Then the new kit will go to you to replace it. Since you are signing everyone up, you can easily put their own address in after you receive the kit.

Don’t forget, your upline wants to help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or just ask them to be there for moral support.

Have fun!

Eat clean. Live clean. Use essential oils.

(Grammar geeks, relax about the adverb omission. English is not a dead language, and sometimes we need to get on the train.)

As I was saying, this is it. Here is my three step plan. If you are feeling like something is wrong: weight problems, energy, chronic discomfort, sadness, heck, even frizzy hair, may I suggest you might be slowly poisoning yourself?

Do you know anyone who is really into diet sodas? Let’s be real. It is an addiction. Do they also suffer from any chronic conditions? Probably. The Whole30 diet blew my mind. Eliminating all processed foods, preservatives, and inflammatory foods such as grains and dairy, had a huge impact on my health and well being. It’s a big commitment, but even eliminating all non-whole foods will do a world of good.

When I say live clean(ly), I’m talking about all the non-food items we end up either inhaling or absorbing into our bodies. What’s in your toothpaste, lotion, cleaning products, etc? It’s a big deal. Stop poisoning yourself. There are safe options.

This is the progression that led me to essential oils. Sure, anyone can use essential oils with dramatic results. But how much more of an impact will they have if you are also protecting yourself from food and environmental toxins?

I am so glad I found Young Living Essential Oils. Theirs are the highest quality on the market. I am not talking about synthetic perfume. They also sell beauty, personal, oral, and cleaning products.

I joined as a wholesale member and initially started stocking up on oils. Especially those used for inhalation last a really long time. Once I was pretty stocked up, I began to explore the other products. I joined the optional Essential Rewards program. I change my order slightly every month, but I’ve settled into some regular products I don’t want to be without. Ningxia Red is a powerhouse for your health. It will rock your world. The oral care products, lotions, soaps, hair and beauty products are on my monthly order. I take advantage of the monthly promotions to get more free stuff. Then I cash in my rewards points on a special new oil blend or something I’m getting low on.

It’s a simple plan that works for me. Try it!