Top 20 Oils

Decisions, decisions. Let’s say you are a new Young Living wholesale member. You purchased the Premium Starter Kit, so you now have 11 amazing oils. You have the Everyday Oils Collection, which contains lemon, peppermint, frankincense, lavender, Joy, Valor, Peace and Calming, PanAway, Purification, and Thieves. You also have the aptly named Stress Away, which comes with all the wholesale membership kits. You are set for a while. But what to do next?

If you are anything like me, you did not purchase Young Living oils on a whim. You purchased them because you know they are the highest quality essential oils in the world. You are also ready to change your lifestyle by eliminating OTC meds, prescriptions wherever possible, and toxic household cleaners.

So this is tough, but I am attempting to give you just 9 more must have oils to add to your arsenal. You already have the top 11. Scroll down to find out about the 11 from previous posts. Here I will focus on the 9 more you do not want to be without. This is hard to do. As I write, I don’t even know for sure which 9 I will pick. To make it easier, I will focus on oils. There are many other products such as Aromabright toothpaste and Life 5 probiotic, which I would not want to be without, but I am only going to pick 9 oils today. Wish me luck.

Awaken is pretty much the equivalent of the entire Feelings Kit in one bottle. I am trying to suggest different oils than the Everyday Oils, so you could argue that there are enough emotionally supportive oils in the kit. But there is just something special about Awaken. It is a blend containing the blends: Joy, Present Time, Harmony, Forgiveness, and Dream Catcher. I’m not making this up. And as you can imagine, that is a lot of oils all expertly formulated to help you recognize your potential and make positive changes in your life. I am not a huge fan of the heavy floral scent that you would get with straight geranium, for example (no offence to this highly beneficial oil). The nice thing about Awaken is that the blend makes for a nice, non-offensive smell.

Copaiba is a natural steroid. Forget Tylenol. And Advil. This is what I use for pain. Headaches, sore muscles, swelling, you name it.

Idaho Balsam Fir is a calming oil, perfect for physical pain and emotional support. For severe pain, I use this internally with copaiba and frankincense. It is a very high frequency oil. If you are feeling out of sorts, this will get you back on track.

Cedarwood is popular with my teens. It helps with sleep, acne, and ADHD. It is also a powerful choice for depression- in particular, releasing negative emotions. I realize this is a running theme, but I cannot emphasize enough the importance of emotional health for overall physical well-being.

Idaho Blue Spruce There are many oils for hormone balancing and emotional support, but perhaps none as versatile as this one. IBS helps balance hormones for men and women. It also helps release negative emotions.

DiGize is the bomb for gut health. Peppermint is fantastic for many things, including nausea, but DiGize goes farther to promote healthy digestion and alleviate intestinal discomfort. It contains tarragon, juniper, anise, ginger, fennel, patchouli, peppermint, and lemongrass.

Lemongrass deserves to be taken straight in capsule form as it has been proven to lower cholesterol. I also use it to combat candida and soothe muscles.

Myrrh is a favorite, especially in the summer. It works as sunscreen! It is nourishing to skin and has strong emotionally supportive properties.

Abundance is a fantastic smelling blend which includes orange, clove, cinnamon, frankincense, ginger, spruce, patchouli, and myrrh. Use it to attract prosperity and magnify feelings of peace and joy.

Endoflex is a blend of oils which support the endocrine system. after using it, my doctor wanted to lower my thyroid medicine. It is so important for our health to have a strong endocrine system!

Here is your starting point. There are so many more I love, but I am sticking with these as my top 20. They all have very unique properties which will hopefully change your life and rock your world. I know they have for me.

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