Essential Oils and Stress

At my annual doctor’s visit I was told my cholesterol was borderline.  After eating mostly clean and eliminating as many toxins from my home as possible, this was discouraging.

I tend to link cholesterol mainly to food choices and exercise.  No excuses in the exercise department for me.  It has been a weak attempt.  I stay fairly active, though.

Another health issue I thought would be under control was hormone balance.  Since treating my fibroids with Young Living frankincense and Progessence Plus, I have been fine with that.  My problem is the emotional drop associated with PMS.

I went to The Paleo Mom for advice on cholesterol, and she informed me that stress is the number one factor.

I certainly had a stressful  year.  I know stress heavily influences hormone balance as well. 

Stress is the common thread.  It plays such an important role in our physical and emotional health.  I’m not in control of all the stress in my life, but I can take big steps to care for myself in the midst of it.  Young Living has wonderful stress relieving oils.

For natural health suggestions, I use a zyto scan about quarterly.  The biofeedback technology uses a hand scan to survey your body’s needs and make suggestions.  The accuracy is uncanny. 

My first scan suggested Sulfurzyme and nutmeg- two excellent choices for autoimmune and adrenal support.  These were the exact issues I was dealing with.  Next, the stress hit, and I scanned for two very powerful blends for emotional support- Australian Blue and Inner Child.  Those oils kept me out of depression.

But the stress was still there.  My next two scans indicated my need for heart support (Aroma Life), colon cleansing (ICP), and hormone balancing (Lady Sclarol and Dragon Time).

Thanks to my wholesale membership and the Essential Rewards program, I took all these products without breaking the bank.  On my last scan, only 2 items came up: calcium and Slique Tea.  I also got treated to my very first Raindrop massage.

The stress is still a part of my life, but I am healthy and happy.  I was also shocked to experience zero emotional PMS symptoms this month.  This may be the first time in my life!

Now if I could just get into an exercise routine…

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