Are You Toxic?

When I decided to do a Whole30 diet challenge, I didn’t know what to expect. I thought I would lose a little weight, but I didn’t have any chronic health problems I thought would suddenly be cured. My experience was dramatic as I lost 15 pounds in a month (I did not have a serious weight problem, just a little mommy/belly fat) and discovered that my allergies completely went away. A Whole30 is a strict paleo diet. You cannot eat any preservatives. One thing that happened during the month was that I developed a minor rash. After some research, I concluded it was a detox reaction. At this point, I realized I had eliminated toxins from my food, but I was still pouring them on my skin whenever I cleaned the house, washed my hair, etc. That realization led me to Young Living Essential Oils.

Some of you have begun using YLEO as well, and I am sure you love them as much as I do. I occasionally see people new to YL reporting that they have developed a rash. One person told me the oils I was wearing made her eyes water (I was treating a cold with Thieves). Whenever this concern comes up, the standard response is, “you’re probably detoxing.” I’m in a few discussion groups, and I know some new members/oil users have trouble swallowing that response. It is also possible that the person with the rash used a hot oil undiluted when the directions indicate diluting with a carrier oil. But the detoxing response is most likely right on the money.

If you haven’t picked up a copy of Essential Oils Desk Reference ( yet, this is a must read. I have mostly been using it for reference, but I recently decided to actually read it from cover to cover. It contains so much valuable information, I just had to share. On toxic chemicals found in nearly all household and personal care products, it reads, “Chemicals can remain trapped in fatty tissues underneath the skin for several months or years until a topical substance like an essential oil starts to move them from their resting place and cause them to come out of the skin in an uncomfortable way. Besides skin irritation, you could experience nausea, headaches, and other slight temporary discomforts,” p. 1.51. The EODR (5th edition) is also filled with documented current research on essential oils and explanations for how they work.

Whether you think essential oils won’t work for you because your allergies are so bad, or you are experiencing some difficulties as a new oil user, I wholeheartedly encourage you to use them and to stop pouring toxins in and on your body. I have not experienced any problems with the oils personally. Detoxing is just something to be aware of. If it happens, be thankful! I am also convinced that I need to remain vigilant with my eating, and I need to use Young Living household cleaning and personal products exclusively in order to keep my body toxin free.

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