An Idea

Points Game Graphic

Here’s an idea for building your business. I maintain that the best way to build is the old fashioned way: talking to people in person and letting them experience the oils. In fact, I recently listened to a conference call with Adam Green, one of Young Living’s youngest and most successful business builders. He shared that Young Living stands apart from other network marketing companies because the products are so strong, we can be product driven. In other words, we don’t need to try to sell people on selling a business. We can tell people how life changing the products are, share our stories, let them try, and before we know it they will be doing the same. We are a community passionate about these products. Period. It’s not just another way to make money.

In my first year with Young Living, I shared the passion with many people via a Facebook group. I also taught several successful spa parties. A few people from Facebook have signed up after learning about the oils online. But most of those people met with me first to try the products out. I knew all this going in but still decided to do 2 simultaneous online Facebook parties. I’m an ideas person. I like to mix it up and try new things. I’m also in a very busy season in life. I’ve had to take a break from parties until I get to the end of the school year. So I thought I would give this idea a try.

Here is a copy of the party incentive I used. I asked a friend to host. Their job was simply to add friends to the group. In exchange, I offered them either an enrollment voucher or a $20 credit on a customer account. So each party set me back $40. I had two vouchers, so as long as I got at least one sign up from each party, the most I would be out would be the additional $20 for each party prize. I then posted several intro to oils graphics. These are readily available online. The parties ran for about 2 weeks. I’m just now closing them. They were not wildly successful, but there is a lot to be said for planting seeds. I am now Facebook friends with a couple of new people. This is a brand new idea for most people, so they need time to think it all through. My hosts and winners are still thinking through their orders and whether or not to become wholesale members. It looks like two will definitely join, possibly more. The nice thing about the credit is that people will usually spend more than that, so the commission will bring a good return on that investment.

I told some of you I would report back on how it went, so here you go. Doing something is better than doing nothing. #1 tip for growing your business? Keep business cards and samples in your purse. Share freely.

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