Lavender is Legit

Lavender is a natural antihistamine. I’ve heard it works for allergies. Today I really put it to the test. Despite my gut healing, grain shunning efforts, the cat allergy remains. Still working on it. So severe is this allergy, that I’m basically allergic to people who have cats. I think I hurt someone’s feelings in choir over this issue. I can’t help it! Geesh.

I’ve noticed that my allergies have been flaring up while I teach piano lessons. Just on Tuesdays between 4 and 5:30, mind you. Lo and behold, both of these families I teach at this time have cats.

Today was my lucky day because my Young Living Essential Rewards order arrived. This happens every month because ER rocks, and getting free products and reduced shipping on said products is a no brainer. This month, on top of the normal ER benefits just mentioned, I earned two free oils. Young Living offers free oils every month, whether you sign up for ER or not. They’re generous like that. One of the free oils this month is (wait for it) LAVENDER!

So I excused myself mid piano lesson (read: nose running fest) to dive into that good stuff. Guess what? It worked. I put a drop on the back of my hand and licked it. I also rubbed it around my sinuses.

Now before you get on Amazon and look for the cheapest deal on lavender, let me point out that most “lavender” is synthetic. You can tell because the label says “do not ingest.” Young Living lavender, on the other hand, is specifically labeled, “dietary supplement.” It can and is encouraged to be taken internally. Hence the hand licking thing. I was in a hurry. My runny nose immediately stopped up. I got through the rest of my lessons without embarrassment. jan. promo

Ask me how to get your free lavender this month. Balsam Fir is also major wow. I use it for pain. There’s a legendary recipe called the “morphine bomb”, and Idaho Balsam Fir is a key player. But more on that later. Ready to come to The Peppermint Party?

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